Slimming and Detox,
Loose excess weight naturally,
'Burn' extra, stubborn fat into 'energy',
Anti-aging and improves skin complexion,
Post-natal care, Regulate Period.


The Jewel of Tropical Rainforest!!

功效 1> 瘦身排毒,消除水肿, 修饰身体自然曲线;
功效 2> 调理月事不畅,平衡女性内分泌,护肤养颜;
功效 3> 收缩子宫, 产后调理;
功效 4> 降低胆固醇,降低血脂;
功效 5> 有效解决便秘问题;

100%天然草本植物提取精华!! 绿色养生!! 30-60天内可以看到效果和改善!! (好评多多)

由内而外消减积聚多年的脂肪和废物; 一边瘦身, 一边排毒... 健康瘦身的新体验!

Get rid of the years of accumulation of fat and toxic waste;
Experience the new holistic approach of slimming from the inside out;
The most natural and healthy weight loss.

is an efficient natural green drink derive from plant extracts.

Do You Know? ...
JINZHUOYE has been historically used by the Borneo indigenous people
as part of their traditional herbs to heal many types of ailment and for treatment of diseases.
It is also know as the "Queen of Herbs.


Do You Know? ...
JINZHUOYE has become the most precious herbs of the Borneo's indigenous
people where it is used as the most important dowry for marriage.
深藏在原始热带雨林中的秘密 – 金 卓叶 – 大自然的恩赐!

Natural Plant Extract that promotes Green & Healthy Living; See improvement within 30 - 60 days.

Suitable for people with disability to loose weight
No exercise , No diet
Easy to loose weight and reduce Water Retention
100% Natural Herbal ingredients derived from plants

> 适合于各类减肥人士
> 无需运动, 无需节食, 轻松"烧掉"多余累积脂肪转化为"能量"
> 成份源于植物草本精华

thumbup.gif JINZHUOYE is the most effective herb for Slimming and Detoxification,
thumbup.gif it eliminates Water Retention due to hormonal imbalance,
thumbup.gif Post-natal Care - effective for womb contraction after birth,
thumbup.gif improves skin complexion,
thumbup.gif lower cholesterol and reduce blood lipids.


JINZHUOYE -- scientific name: Ficus Deltoidea

The name JinZhuoYe was given after the tiny golden spots on the surface of every leaf of this plant.

smile.gif According to the concept of "Doctrine of Signature",
the shape, colour, taste and smell of each of the segment of the plant of JinZhuoYe
reflects the applications of the herb for treatment of diseases. 

smile.gif Traditionally, JinZhuoYe has been widely used by the local people of the Borneo highland
and has gained much attention among the traditional medical practitioners as a valuable plant
beneficial for treating various diseases and good for general health maintenance.

smile.gif Since then much research has been done to develop these precious mystical herbs into
the latest health drink JinZhuoYe. It truly revealed the treasure of our nature dedicated to your wellness .

smile.gif JinZhuoYe effectively cleans, detox and help you achieve your natural body contour.
It is the best natural green food for your body. It helps prevention and adjuvant treatment
of various diseases including improving your water retention problems and enhance
fat metabolism thus reducing body fat. It has gain much recognition in the field of traditional
medicines for improvement of general health.
natural effects of JinZhuoYe

Effect 1: Slimming, detoxification, elimination of edema, improves your body's natural contour.
功效1:瘦身排毒, 消除水肿, 修饰身体自然曲线.

smile.gif In todays's modern society, we are exposed to tremendous amount of toxin via the food we eat, the water we drink and the polluted environment that we live, has resulted in a drastic increase in illness and physical complaints such as headaches, fatigue, general feelings of “unwellness” and most of all obesity.

smile.gif Jinzhuoye promotes better liver functions, strengthen the liver's metabolism that promotes optimal liver functioning that supports the body's natural ability to break down and eliminate fat for a full body toxin cleanse. It gradually improves your physical fitness and maintain body's natural contour towards slim and slander figure.

smile.gif The first 6 - 8 weeks after child birth is the most important period of recovering for every women. A healthy diet will have a long term health benefit for your body, as you once again need to deal with your hormone changes before you could physically and emotionally revert to your normal self. Your body has undergone enormous changes and needs time to get back into shape.

Effect 2: Improves women's menstruation cycle and uncomfortable, balance endocrine and improves skin complexion.
功 效2:调理月事不畅,平衡女性内分泌,护肤养颜.

smile.gif JinZhouye serves as the best female endocrine medication as it effectively
control hormonal imbalance, improves estrogen secretion disorder problems thus ease the suffering of period pain.

smile.gif It ease constipation problem and naturally detoxify your body to improve skin micro-circulation thus reducing pigmentation and freckels while improving your body's metabolism rate to maintain a youthful and radiant glow.

Effect 3: Suitable for post-natal care, promotes womb contraction after birth.
功效3:收缩子宫, 产后调理.

smile.gif The first 6 - 8 weeks after child birth is the most important period of recovering for every women. A health diet will have a long term health benefit for your body, as you once again need to deal with your hormone changes before you could physically and emotionally revert to your normal self. Your body has undergone enormous changes and needs time to get back into shape.

smile.gif JinZhouYe's natural active ingredients consumed during this period will help you get back into shape by strengthening your abdominal muscle and promotes womb contraction to prevent sagging tissues and provide natural support. It helps the healing process of your wound.

Effect 4: Lower Cholesterol and reduce blood lipids.

smile.gif Accessive deposit of cholesterol plaques in your blood vessel will cause hardening and narrowing of coronary arteries.Therefore, maintaining good level of cholesterol is essential in preventing heart attack.

smile.gif JinZhuoYe, active ingredients provide a natural cleansing effect and good blood circulation that helps strengthen the cardiovascular system while painlessly dissolving arterial plaque to help avoid heart attack and stroke.It also reduce high blood pressure and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels

Effect 5: Constipation Relief.
功效5:自然 调理, 轻松解决便秘问题.

smile.gif Jinzhuoye improves in health of your colon lining and promotes a good water absorption that enable good bowel movements.
smile.gif Get rid of the years of accummulation of fat and toxic waste
smile.gif Experience the new holistic approach of slimming from the inside out
smile.gif The most natural and healthy weight loss.

laugh.gif 女人.. 是需要滋补的!! laugh.gif

smile.gif Have you ever experience gaining weight
in spite of eating healthy and exercising regularly?

smile.gif Hormonal imbalance
is one of the most overlooked factors leading to weight gain.

smile.gif In women, typically
hormonal fluctuations occur during menstruation cycle,
pre-teens years, per-menopause and menopause ages

smile.gif Therefore, when tackling weight gain,
it is essential to overrule any of the conditions associated with hormonal imbalances

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